"How is your school going?" asked Don Henry Hagen looking at his seven-year-old son Harry Hagen who replied, "No one likes to be friends with me, they are all scared of me,", "Well, be kind, smile, help them, share your lunch and, they would be friends, how are your studies anyhow?" asked Don Henry. "I like mathematics, and my teacher also likes me," said Harry. "That is good, let's hope you make something out of it then," said Henry smiling at his son. The entire Hagen crime family was at the dining table having their dinner together, Don strongly believed that a family which doesn't eat together, is not a real family. Don's wife Marie Hagen, his son Harry, his five-year-old daughter Elicia Hagen, his trustworthy hitman Travis Andersen and his accountant Grimmer Fisk were all enjoying their Turkey. "Dad, what do you like to study?" asked Harry, "Well, I like to study people my son!" said Henry followed ...