Boris Travis was watching every citizen grabbing their hard-earned money and rage was being grown in his heart. Boris slapped a young man and tried to snatch the bills from his hands but the boy pushed Boris back running away. As Boris tried to find his way out of the crowd, his face was grabbed by a hand and pulled back in-crowd from where he was never seen later.
Back in JJ Warren's office, everyone gathered around including Flavius and Kevin but Boris was missing. "Where is Boris?" asked Warren. "I don't know, he said that he would be going out of the city for his security, maybe he left," said Flavius, "No, I don't think so," said Warren, "losing so much money and planning to travel, that's not a businessman's attitude, is it Flavius?" "You are right, I personally would never have run out to some other city until it's an emergency or business calls, and I think death is a bigger emergency," Flavius answered. "Still not convinced, he was a target of Fisk earlier and also asked for tight security for himself, so I don't think he will leave our company so easily and he must have told me before leaving, but he told you so I can count on you Mr. Black," said Warren. "But to be honest even I am not sure," said Flavius in a confused emotion, "You should take rest, and please, before flying away from here remember to inform me," said Warren. "Spencer, I need you to look out for the workstation's owner and interrogate them about this incident, they must have given someone permission before to be there," said Warren. Spencer went straight out to reach out for the workstation's owner. Warren left the office to his home for Olivia who would have been waiting all this while.
The next morning, Warren woke up early and left for his office. Entering his office he found two cops already chattering and Spencer standing in a corner with two men. Warren entering his empty cabin and opened up the window for a fresh breeze to enter but as he opened it a heavy body tied up with a rope fell in front of his face hanging till the window giving Warren a big jolt of terror. Warren in a shock backed off and fell on the floor looking at the hanging dead body at his window staring at him. It was Boris Travis but dead. "Spencer! come here! real quick!" shouted Warren in a tone of terror in his voice. His hands were shaking when he gathered some strength to reach the body and to find a piece of paper tied to the dead body. Spencer entered the room running and was terrified at the same scene and shouted, "Oh my God!", the piece of paper read,
He was nasty, or maybe money made him nasty, today is a great lesson for you Warren, you will learn what money stands for in our society. Money does buy us happiness in beginning, but your end is always certain, it can't be changed by money. Just two of them left, and you know what, F is my favorite letter.
Gunther Fisk
"He is up to something, we'll have to protect the rest of them, send four cops for Flavius Black and two cops for Kevin Gate. Flavius is the next one. But I doubt, maybe he would kill Kevin pulling our attention towards Flavius. Or maybe he kills Flavius, so just send security for both! quick!" said Warren and Spencer rushed with the cops for Flavius and Kevin.
In the afternoon, Boris' cousin brother who seldom talked to him arranged a funeral for his brother but honestly, he was happy for his death for Boris' money would fall on him now. The whole city was being given a feast on the death of such a big businessman of the city and a speech by Boris' brother on how Boris spent his entire life helping poor children, helping the economy to grow, and many other fake things about his brother which weren't true at all. Boris died an expensive death but it was affordable.
"So, who got the keys for the workstation?" asked Warren from the owner of the workstation, Bob Harley, and his helper Louis Luther. "The keys were lost, I used the duplicate keys to open the workstation today, my friend Louis is an idiot, I gave him the keys but he lost them," said Bob with a frown on his face for Louis. "Where did you lose the keys, Louis?" asked Warren, "I don't remember sir, I was in the market buying my daughter some candies and when I got back the keys were gone," said Louis in a tense voice. Louis was a thin and mature 50-year-old man. He was known for his soft behaviour and kindness in the whole town. "Alright, maybe the keys got stolen on the way, but can you convince me that you are not the killer Mr Luther?" asked Warren with a smirk on his face. Louis freaked out for a while and said, "What are you saying? I can never in my dreams think of being such a horrible person to murder people, I have two children and a wife and I am happy with my life," said Louis, "Louis! if it's true that you are the killer, I will right away throw you out of the business and beat your ass up!" shouted Bob when Warren interrupted and said, "Please Bob be calm, he's clear, there is no point of being so rude with your co-worker,". Bob calmed down and Warren ordered them to leave the place for they were clear. "Spencer I want you to deploy a cop to keep an eye on Louis for he seems a bit suspicious, kindest hearts hide the darkest souls, I can't risk this," said Warren.
In the evening, everyone was busy at the office when a cop came running in and said, "Sir, another murder but this time it's some kid," JJ Warren rushed to see the dead body which matched the pattern of the dead body of Boris. "No special scars like the last one, I think this murder has been done not by Fisk but someone else on his behalf, someone he took the lead after the death of guard of Hempton building. This murderer is a normal man and not a psychopath, Spencer what about Louis Luther?" said Warren. "Luther was at his house all this while," said Spencer, "It's someone else who does all this, but why is he not murdering on his own and using someone else to murder?" said Warren in a curiosity, "anyway, please inform this kid's family about this," "Sir he had no family, he was an orphan, and homeless poor boy," said a cop. Warren looked at the kid's body with grief and without uttering a word went back to his cabin.
In the cold mid-night, some man came out in the town to paste some posters on the walls of the town, and they had a drawing of Boris and the poor kid on two sides and it said, ' DEATH OF POOR GOES CHEAP, NO FUNERAL GIVEN '. The fog covered the surroundings all over but the man kept on pasting these posters on the wall with undersigned, Gunther Fisk.
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