The story begins with three smugglers who suit up as Goblin and set out to rob three oscorp trucks loaded with weapons. Their master is none but Oscorp's owner named Norman Osborn. Using this fake robbery, Norman saves his money to be paid to the client company.
Peter/Spiderman lives in New York fighting crime and working in the Daily bugle when he breaks up with Mary Jane. Peter then learns about the robbery of trucks, when he heads to look for the potential smugglers when he comes across the name of Aleksie Sytsevich who robbed a truck a few months ago. Aleksie these days busy in building up a new team of terrorists to gun the town and plans an attack. Peter is helped by Tony Stark who is a billionaire and competition of Norman, who gives Peter some new gadgets to fight Aleksie.
Next night, Peter sets out in a garage where he stops Aleksie's team and back in town stops Aleksie who had suited up himself in Rhino suit. Peter beating Rhino arrests Aleksie who is brought in prison. But still even after arrest of Rhino, another robbery takes place. Aleksie is found to not being responsible for these. Peter in Daily Bugle is competed by Eddie brock who promises J Jonah Jameson to bring Spiderman's photos. Peter also meets his childhood friend Harry Osborn who had come from another town. Harry falls for Mary while Peter doesn't learn about this.
Tony meanwhile sends some fake Oscorp trucks to catch smugglers but the trucks come back as Oscorp puts a tracker on their original trucks and these fake ones didn't have them. Tony and Peter learn that it is someone within Oscorp. Tony asks Peter to make a fake robbery entering Oscorp and stealing one of their trucks. Peter enters Oscorp for the robbery when Norman suiting up as Goblin battles him but fails when Peter escapes with a truck. Norman puts the claim of Robbery on Peter but Tony shows up in Public and takes the claim back from Peter proving him innocent. This pisses off Norman who plans to kill Tony first.
Peter is called in Daily Bugle's offfice where his job is taken by Eddie who brings the pictures of the three smugglers responsible for all this. Peter plans to join with the police to catch these three. Peter catches those three. Norman shows up in front of Stark and tries to shoot him but Tony sends for help to Peter. Peter comes to help Stark but meanwhile, Norman escapes. Stark gets badly injured and is hospitalized. The three Smugglers refuse to tell anything to the police instead of continuous attempts by the police. They are asked to be kept alive.
Harry and Peter talk about themselves when Harry tells that Norman has been not in the house since last night. Peter connecting the dots learns that Norman is Goblin and the mastermind behind all this. Peter learns about Harry dating Mary which Pisses him off when they both get into an argument on this. Mary leaves both of them and goes away. Harry also breaks up with Peter when Peter left alone plans to visit his Aunt May.
Back in the city, Aleksie frees himself from Prison and learns about Norman being Goblin from the smugglers. Aleksie now plans to kill Norman and Harry kidnapping them. Peter learns about this when he enters the sight of kidnapping to save both of them. Aleksie leaves the place of planting a bomb. Harry is rescued by Norman who tells him before dying that he is Goblin. Harry saves himself and runs out when the place explodes. Just when the place explodes, Peter arrives there unmasking himself which is seen by Harry who misunderstands that Peter bombed Norman to kill them as he knew that he is Goblin. Harry thus plans to revenge Peter.
Peter successfully finds Aleksie's location and going there beats him off badly to revenge Norman's death. Police arrive there when Aleksie is again arrested and this time kept in a forced mental asylum. Stark recovers when Peter goes to check his health but from TV running in a hospital sees the news which tells, Harry, being out as Goblin and had kidnapped Mary. Goblin also had planted 7 bombs in the city. And Peter has a choice either to save Mary or Save the City. Stark tells peter to save Mary but Peter sets out to save the city first. Finding three bombs yet, Stark sends four Spider drones made for Peter which locate the rest of the bombs in which Peter arrives on time and diffuses them.
Now Peter with Police leaves to save Mary who still being in Goblin's custody cries for help. Peter arrives to fight Goblin when both of them fight one other. By his mistake, Goblin's flying skates shoot at himself killing Harry on his own. Mary is finally saved.
Peter by the evening brings photos of Spiderman fighting Goblin for daily Bugle saving his Job. Mary plans to reconcile with Peter. Oscorp before getting sealed is bought by Tony.
That's one hell of a plot bro��