'If wealth is lost, nothing is lost, If health is lost, something is lost, If the character is lost, everything is lost,' - Swami Vivekanand THE PIECE OF PAPER Money can't buy you happiness. There is this weird trend going on the internet to prove this proverb wrong, for no reason. What they do is, display images of some big tycoons or CEOs and comment sarcastically to see, how sad they are. They are usually Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Steve Jobs, and many others, but mostly these, and the irony is that all of them have been through a divorce. Their wives have left them, we never know for what really, but we are still busy considering them happy, because of their money. Most of them have had a severe divorce, and just think about how harsh the reality could have been if they are all divorced. Imagine the depth of all those years of trauma and pain Steve Job's wife would have gone through before taking this decision and that too so many years later. We still do not know w...