Synopsis: A delusional man named Andy tries to find his space in society with his imaginary friend Captain Freak. But the circumstances and his tragedy leads him to become a vicious killer. He oscillates his fate between being a hero and a villain. CAPTAIN FREAK 1. CHAPTER 1- BAD JOKE - An Introduction to Andy and his delusional hero Captain Freak 2. CHAPTER 2- NEW FRIEND - Andy befriends and falls for Nancy. And helps Bob steal money from the shop. 3. CHAPTER 3- BROKEN - Andy gets humiliated by Nancy's lover and gets fired from his job casting himself into Captain Freak. 4. CHAPTER 4- SAVIOUR - Andy murders Henry and Ethan setting himself on a new path. 5. CHAPTER 5- A VILLAIN OF HOPE - Captain Freak will show the world who he is. CAPTAIN FREAK 2 1. CAPTAIN FREAK 2- CHAPTER 1: INCOMPLETE WORK - Andy recalls his first attempt at killing himself. And, the story begins where the last one ended. 2....